The blog via email connect with us our app app storeplay store cookie settings remove cookies b b smart data gmbh privacy policy imprint terms and conditions skip to content b b smart data logo home solutions best practices references about us knowledge in steps to successful new customer acquisition in the b b sector ardiana gervalla avdija.. B b customer acquisition it is the dream of every sales person identifying potential new customers with a high probability of closing and using the scarce sales resources in a targeted manner in order to avoid high wastage. Classic scoring models are often very good but often fail due to the quality and quantity of a company's internal crm data. Even the latest data from address dealers often does not deliver the desired results. A classic b b problem. Successful companies like amazon are already using the “statistical twin” principle for cross and up selling customers who bought this item also buy product.
The transfer of this strategy to the b b world creates b b web whatsapp mobile number list scoring it identifies potential new customers who are similar to their existing customers. A scoring model is understood to be a point evaluation model that enables the systemic comparison and evaluation of products suppliers projects etc. For this purpose all decision relevant criteria are listed and weighted the characteristics of the individual characteristics are evaluated with points. Whitepaper b b new customer acquisition this is how new customer acquisition in the b b area works on the basis of the web scoring analyses a model is developed to identify statistical twins of your existing customers from more than million german language company websites.
You receive a scoring of your own customers and prospects and can expand your lead list with companies with a high score. A high probability of closing. Freely based on the principle if these are your customers these companies should also be your customers. The smart way to acquire new customers in b b this is how it works prozessgraphik svg v desired customers available. Of course we can relieve you of this step by helping you to determine the urls..Data enrichment we enrich your database with up to date information from publicly accessible sources such as the customer's website..Customer analysis a data mining algorithm identifies the characteristics that your existing customers have in common in the external presentation on the website and that distinguishes them from non customers.